Welcome to take a tour on our site. Our station has a long ride since we started with some experimental/test transmissions on shortwave early in the 80's, until today having a transmitter site both in Europe as well as in South America. Explore our website and find historical information, technical details. The website still needs to be loaded with more information, we hope to add more content "soon".
These days, December (2024) and January (2025) we are testing in the 5800 - 5995 kHz (49m.) region.
Again from South America - 2019In February we was again at our south American QTH, and worked with the installation. The low power transmitter at site had “crashed” and was out of order. And a new 130 watts carrier transmitter had to be assembled. Also the antenna needed some maintenance. The 10 watt transmitter was repaired, but transformed to be used as a beacon transmitter only. The 25th of February this transmitter was aired on 6930kHz, but broken again after a couple of transmissions. We give this finally up due to time reason, as we also had to assemble the new one. The new transmitter was ready to use the 2nd of March (2019) and worked nicely on 6930kHz. We set it to power out at 100 watts carrier. Later in March the frecuency was changed to 6945kHz. We received a lot of reports, and at the time of writing this, 25 reports has been received from North and South America, as well as from New Zealand. Check with our audio player how some received our transmissions. Amazing for only 100 watts carrier (approximated 400 PEP). More photos from our site will soon also be added her. |