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Radio Piraña's history started as far back in time as 1979. This year the founder Jorge R. García of the radio station

moved from a South American country to Europe. From before Mr. García was an active listener to shortwave, medium wave, 

FM band, actually all types of radio communications. When settled in Europe it took not long time before he get a decent and

nice communication receiver. He soon started catching the latinamerican radio stations on the shortwave bands.


The interest for radio broadcasting J.R.G got when he was quite young. When he was 9 years old he was neighbor of a 

local medium wave station of 1 kW. And 5 years before moving to Europe he lived about 400 meters away from a 25kW MW station,

a station he often visited, talking with the staff, present under a variety of program styles and broadcasts. Mr. García

moved back to this same place for 3 years in 1995. This was the "root" of he's interest in broadcasting. He later on 

worked 10 years in a legal FM station in Europe.


The pirate scene on shortwave he discovered quite soon after arriving in Europe in 1979. British, German, Scandinavian and 

other pirate station was quite easily cached at he's receiving QTH. And he got very fascinated by these. And the idea of starting 

a pirate station with Latin American touch/style was born. The first broadcast was done in autumn 1981 with a small ssb transmitter

of only 4 watts into the 41 meter band. He did some test over a few weeks, but this transmissions where never reported anywhere.

After this he got silence for a time on SW and was more dedicated with FM broadcasts under another name. 


In 1990 Radio Piraña Int. returned to the shortwave bands making about 10 transmissions in the 41m. band and some also 

int the 13m. band. Then from 1992 to 1995 the stations was very active, and also entered the 48 m. band a swell as the 76 m. band 

plus some other more "odd" outlets. Also some special broadcast was made with directional beam antenna towards to N. Am S. Am and the 

pacific using the 21 and 13 m. bands.


The story continuous, and we will add more on later....